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Contact Us

Department email:

Department Secretary: Ms. Dina Belostotsky
Room 45404, Office hours: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 10:00-13:00
Tel: 02-5883616

Department Chair: Dr. Yona Hanhart-Marmor


Natan Nemetz

Bonjour, ciao! My name is Natan, I come from Brazil and have been living in Jerusalem for the past four years. I work as a tutor in the Department of Romance Studies, where I am finishing my BA-degree alongside Comparative Literature. In my opinion, our department provides a great opportunity to widen one’s horizons, to meet people with diverse backgrounds and to learn a lot of exciting new things. Here I found a space to develop my two great passions, literature and languages.

I will be happy to help anyone who is interested in joining our amazing department!